
Friday, 12 June 2015

June Club Night

It may have been a cold mid-winter’s night, but a reasonable crowd braved the conditions to attend the June Club night.  Luckily the heaters soon  took the chill off the hall.  The meeting soon got underway and Debi was called up on stage, and presented with a small gift as thanks for her help on the previous committee.  Raffles were drawn and the lucky winners were Lynne and new member Wendy.  (Perhaps one day one of my numbers will finally get called out!)

Show and Tell was inspiring, as usual.  Avon’s bag made with sewing panels was a real hit and had many people crowding around after the meeting to see just what she had done.  It was heavily embellished with beads, buttons and different threads and the sewing charms stitched along the black edge at the top certainly finished it off nicely.    It is almost too nice to use!

P6100025 Avon’s sewing bag

Paula told us off the monthly challenge she had set herself to  make an 18inch block, using both a different design and colour each time.  This month’s colour was purple, and she made a double Churn Dash block.

P6100028 Purple Churn Dash by Paula

Our speaker for the evening was Jo Kirk, who came along with members of her quilting group.  Her quilting started when she attended patch work classes at the local college, and she enjoyed dyeing her own fabrics for a while.

P6100016 Made with hand dyed fabrics

After a brief stint as a quilt shop owner, Jo continued to make quilts of all kinds, and enjoys the regular company of her quilting buddies who meet weekly.  Latterly she has been greatly influenced by the work and colour palette of Griet Lombard.    Jo also enjoys knitting and had a couple of cute little girl’s ponchos to show us.

P6100022 Pussy Cat quilt

Jo finished her talk by telling us of her work providing test kits.  Both personal kits for the workforce to test for alcohol and drugs, and also to test homes for the scourge of meth.  Her advice – if buying a house, or if you own a rental,  this simple test can tell if it has been used as a meth lab.  I’m sure that most of us have no idea of the extent of drug use in our country.  It was very interesting to get an insight on how the other half lives. 

After the meeting, members looked through the library,  had a cuppa and a chat with fellow members, before heading home.

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