It was great to see so many happy faces at our February Club NIght. Sandra welcomed everyone to our first meeting of the year. After the notices were read, there were presentations from two shops in our area. Aimee from Aimee’s Homestead Quilts showed us her new mystery Block of the Month which is just starting. And Luchelle from Fox’s Cottage showed us samples from the new class list which is now available.
The raffles were drawn and Carol B and Frances were the lucky winners. Janneke has done a wonderful job with the raffle prizes and they were beautifully wrapped to coincide with our February theme of Valentine’s Day.
Club member Lynne was our speaker and told us of working with colour values. She arranged bundles of fabrics to illustrate lights, darks, brights and zingers, using her rose quilt to show how light colours come forward and dark colours recede. Although this type of quilt is best viewed from across the room, she stressed.
Lynne’s rose quilt
It was interesting to see the difference in a quilt using the same quilt blocks but different background colours. Two variations of Snowflake quilts were held up for us.
Snowflake quilts
There was a double helping of Show and Tell – it was great to see quilts completed over the Christmas break. These included a Cathedral Window quilt, a lovely colourful child’s quilt for a new grandson, and a couple of Kiwiana lovelies. Diane had made this smart grey, black and lime green quilt for her DIL’s 40th birthday.
40th birthday quilt
With Valentine’s Day fast approaching we had a new segment for our Show and Tell, and invited members to bring along a heart quilt to show, not necessarily a new quilt. Did you know that Valentine’s Day is named for the Christian Saint Valentinus? He was imprisoned for ministering to the persecuted Christians and for marrying soldiers who were forbidden to marry. According to legend during his imprisonment he healed the daughter of his jailer. Just before his execution he wrote her a letter of farewell, signed “your Valentine”. We had ten or so quilts on show with a heart theme, including my one “Hearts of Love”, made for our 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Hearts of Love
This was a trial at our meeting, to see what the response would be. The idea is that we will continue this at our monthly meetings, choosing a different category each month, and gives some of our older quilts a chance to be shown and admired again.
After our meeting there was time to check out the library books, have a cuppa, and catch up with other members.
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