This month our Allcomers Stitching Day was held on Saturday to cater for those who cannot attend during the week. Numbers were a little lower this time but a dozen or so happy stitchers met at the Red Cross Rooms and sewed for the day. I was unable to join in as I had other commitments but popped in for a wee while to take a few photos. And most importantly, I had it on good authority that Val was bringing some of her world famous Ginger Gems for morning tea, and I didn’t want to miss out on those. As soon as I walked in the door, the ladies burst into song, all joining together to sing me Happy Birthday. That was so nice, and such a lovely surprise.
After we all sat down for morning tea around the big table for a cuppa and one (let’s be honest, I had two) of those Ginger Gems, I walked around the hall to check out what everyone was doing. Hand stitching, machine piecing, machine quilting – it was full steam ahead.
Busy working at the Red Cross Rooms
I loved the cat blocks Alison was working on. All individual, with their own pussy cat expressions, and made in shades of grey and taupe. This is going to be a gorgeous quilt.
Alison’s cat blocks
I left the ladies to their stitching day and returned home. With visitors expected for the evening meal I was busy in the kitchen, whipping up a bacon and egg pie, then a rhubarb crumble for dessert, ran around with the vacuum cleaner and flicked the duster around. Whew! I needed a sit down after that lot, I can tell you.