
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Hanging at Winchester House

Taking pride of place in Winchester House this month, is a lovely quilt made by Luchelle Cotterill.  Yellow and white daisies seem to burst out of the quilt.  They have been stitched onto a crazy patched background in shades of pink and blue.  I love it – very nice indeed.

PA160067 Luchelle’s daisy quilt, hanging this month at Winchester House

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Another Successful Allcomers Day

This month our Allcomers Stitching Day was held on Saturday to cater for those who cannot attend during the week.  Numbers were a little lower this time but a dozen or so happy stitchers met at the Red Cross Rooms and sewed for the day.  I was unable to join in as I had other commitments but popped in for a wee while to take a few photos.  And most importantly, I had it on good authority that Val was bringing some of her world famous Ginger Gems for morning tea, and I didn’t want to miss out on those.  As soon as I walked in the door, the  ladies burst into song, all joining together to sing me Happy Birthday.  That was so nice, and such a lovely surprise.

After we all sat down for morning tea around the big table for a cuppa and one (let’s be honest, I had two) of those Ginger Gems, I walked around the hall to check out what everyone was doing.   Hand stitching, machine piecing, machine quilting – it was full steam ahead. 

PA170073  Busy working at the Red Cross Rooms

I loved the cat blocks Alison was working on.  All individual, with their own pussy cat expressions, and made in shades of grey and taupe.  This is going to be a gorgeous quilt.

PA170074 Alison’s cat blocks

I left the ladies to their stitching day and returned home.  With visitors expected for the evening meal I was busy in the kitchen, whipping up a bacon and egg pie, then a rhubarb crumble for dessert, ran around with the vacuum cleaner and flicked the duster around.  Whew!  I needed a sit down after that lot, I can tell you.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

October Club Night

What an exciting night it was!  The Challenge entries were coming in thick and fast.  These were received and checked, and will be judged very soon.  Prize winners will be announced at the November meeting – so that will be an exciting night too.  And there will be a Viewers Choice, so everyone will get a chance to check them out and vote for their favourite.

Sharon Crosbie was such an interesting and inspiring speaker, as she told us of the trials and tribulations of undertaking the 3 year City and Guilds Course.  Sadly, I was busy out in the supper room with the Challenge quilt entries, so missed the start of her talk.  But I heard enough to realise that embarking on such an undertaking can be time consuming, frustrating,  and exciting all at the same time.  Various modules were discussed, and we came away with Sharon’s recipe to make clay beads, as she did for her course, if we so desire.  And it goes without saying that the talk was delivered in Sharon Crosbie’s beautifully modulated voice, as we used to hear on TV and radio in earlier years.

PA140060 Sharon Crosbie

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Have you finished your Club Challenge?

Have you finished in good time?  Or are you still putting the finishing touches on your Club Challenge quilt?  Don’t forget to bring them along to Club Night this coming Wednesday, 14th October.  Jenny and Francis will be ready and waiting to receive your Challenge Quilt at Club Night.

Sharon Crosby will be our Guest Speaker – she is sure to be very interesting.

Come along – it will be a great night.