
Saturday, 30 November 2019

November All Comers Day

The last All Comers Day of the year sadly didn’t encourage large numbers of happy stitchers to join us at the Vintage Car Club rooms.    So we could say that those who did turn up were quality, rather than quantity.  With just five of us, and several leaving at mid day, the consensus was to make it a half day for all.


Madalyn, Dianne, Janneke and Kath

Madalyn decided she just didn't have the right fabric for her new project, so went shopping with Dianne to get what she needed.  Meanwhile, Janneke pinned up her hand pieced quilt, all ready for quilting.


Kath was busy on her machine applique pieces down on her Bunny Hill quilt.  Called “101 Maple Street” this pretty design featured squirrels, birds and foxes.  I was bust too, stitching down the binding on my Bow Tie donation quilt.


Maureen arrived late morning with her Eye Spy quilt – being made for a great grandchild.  Lots of interesting fabrics to look at and recognise here.



Maureen’s Eye Spy quilt

Various rolls of fabric from Sanderson Ties were on one of the tables, and we were invited to help ourselves, so several of us did.  I took home some New Zealand themed fabric to make some boys toiletry or pencil bags  for the charity I support, Foster Care.


I understand that there will be even more fabric to share at our December club night.  So be sure to come along and see what takes your fancy, it is all looking for a new home.

Jenny Benton

Thursday, 14 November 2019

November Club Night

There was a good turn out at our November Clubnight, which started with a wrap up of the recent Quilt Fest.  This is the main money raiser for club funds, and by all accounts, was a successful show.

Griet Lombard was Guest Exhibitor at the show, as well as being a valued member of our club, Town and Country Quilters, and was our speaker for the evening.  She told us how she likes to work with small pieces, usually with unwanted fabrics from Op Shops or what she has been given. 


Griet Lombard

Griet and her husband emigrated to from South Africa to New Zealand many years ago.   Her African quilts had quite a different look to them, darker hues, and made up of tiny intricate pieces.  Her quilting style changed when she discovered the bounty to be found in local Op Shops.  How could people give away all those gorgeous embroidered doilies and table cloths, lovingly stitched by family members, she wondered?


Griet’s love of birds is shown in her quilt, Sparrows in my Garden.  Sparrows are found both here (introduced) and back home in South Africa, so are a much loved little bird.


Her love of nature shines through with two more quilts, Godwits and Rabbits.  Those rabbits seem to be a crazy bunch!  And many thanks to Griet for kindly donating her zany cat quilt to be given to someone in need.


Winners of the Quilt Fest Challenge were then announced.

Novice:  Dianne Walker

Intermediate: Madalyn Brewer

Advanced: Sarah Martin

Professional: Paula Shailer


Challenge Quilts

After our cuppas and the raffle draws, an announcement was made when sent hearts aflutter.    Sanders Tie Company in Otaki was downsizing and had fabric to clear out, otherwise it would all be going to be dumped.  The next morning I met up with several other quilters down in Otaki, seeing if there was anything suitable for crafters.  We were like bees around a honey pot, clad in the requisite high viz vests, as we looked through the rolls of fabric.  By the look of it, quite a bit had been already rescued from the fate of the dump, with ladies taking this and that home in the back of their cars - to be shared amongst quilting friends, of course.  I was thrilled to also collect some pieces of wyncyette, so handy for backings on children’s donation quilts.


Still some left looking for a good home

Jenny Benton