
Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Hanging at Winchester House

I visit Winchester House (Cancer Society house) regularly for meetings, and always look forward to seeing what small quilt has been chosen to be displayed each month.  This time, it was one of Janneke’s creations.  Lots of sharp points in shades of blue – wonder if this was paper pieced to get those points looking so nice?  I think I recognize it as an entry in the Christmas wall-hanging competition?

Made by Janneke

It it so nice that club members loan their quilt creations for a colourful display at Winchester House.  Much appreciated, I’m sure, by the volunteers, patients, and visitors who attend the various meetings there.

Jenny Benton

Friday, 15 February 2019

February Club night

It always seems such a long time over the Christmas/New Year break, so it was great to get back into the swing of things with our first club night of the year.  Shirley Mooney was our guest speaker and gave us a very informative Power Point presentation  about sewing machines.  Shirley has worked at the Wellington Sewing Centre for some years, so certainly knows the problems which sewers encounter with their machines.  Her talk covered needles, threading, bobbins and threads. 

And the two main tips which I got out of her talk were:  No 1 - be sure to change your machine needle often (after 8 hours straight sewing, and buy only reputable brands), and No 2 – old threads deteriorate and snap, so discard your old threads that have been hanging about for years and purchase nice new threads for your machines.  Both tips won’t break the bank and will ensure easier stitching.   And it goes without saying that we all know to get our machines serviced annually.  Her trouble shooting tips will be published in our Town and Country newsletter.

Shirley brought several quilts along to show us.

As always, the Show and Tell from our club members is always inspiring.  Here is just a taste of what was brought along.  Lynette stitched her lovely “Bird by Bird” quilt as therapy, she told us, while recovering from an accident.

Bird by Bird, stitched by Lynette

And who wouldn’t smile while admiring Griet’s Bunny quilt – just look at the character in these bunny faces.  Griet is thinking of offering this design as a class, she mentioned, so I’m sure there will be plenty of interest in that.

Bunnies – by Griet

Paula brought along several panels she has been making and swapping with an American pen friend.  A challenge is set each month with each taking turns in determining the theme.

Paula’s swap blocks

Paula then announced her “Just for Fun Project”.   Each month she will share a different design to make a Mug Rug, Art Piece or QAYG block.  This month it was hearts for Valentines Day.  I’ve decided to take part, and have my design ready to trace out and start stitching.  What's one more project to add to my various UFOs?

Jenny Benton