January 2017 is almost over – so a very belated Happy New Year to all members. The weather hasn’t been very kind, and I for one am heartily fed up with that incessant wind. Hope your holiday break was a nice one, and maybe you even managed to find time for a little stitching – as I did in the Wairarapa, sheltering from the wind!
Working on my stitchery under the caravan awning
“Elderberries” magazine wrote an article about Town and Country Quilters recently with photos of President Lynne, together with Madalyn and Sandra. “Quilting is so much more than patchwork” the article said – and of course we know that is true. Lynne stated our club’s mission, to develop, promote and foster patchwork, quilting and textile art, through gatherings, practice, tutored workshops, exhibitions and a resource library.
Club members also of course do community work, such as making quilts for Ronald McDonald House and others in need, and heart cushions for breast cancer patients. Believe me, I can attest that these cushions are very necessary for breast and underarm comfort after surgery and radiation. The club had a sewing bee to make these heart cushions way back in November 2014, and I remember making a couple, and stuffing several more. Call it fate, or karma, but I received one of the cushions I had made from the Pink Ladies group in my time of need – and I was more than happy to welcome it back.
My heart cushion came home to me
I’m sure that all will agree that one of the biggest benefits of our quilt club is the friendship and fellowship between members. Now 2017 has arrived we can look forward to a year of club meetings, interesting speakers, Show and Tell, stitching days and classes with well respected tutors. Many thanks to the committee, who I’m sure have organised a full and fun year for us all.
Jenny Benton