
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Hanging at Winchester House

This month it is a darling little quilt stitched by Helen Cole, called “Dream”.  Helen enjoys doing stitcheries and like all keen stitchers everywhere, takes them away on holiday with her too.  She loves this quirky little wall hanging and when it has done it’s stint in Winchester House, cheering up patients and voluteer staff, it will be hung in pride of place in Helen’s sewing room.


Dream, by Helen Cole

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

AllComers Day

For those who like to attend the club AllComers Days, we would like to remind you that the stitching day previously arranged for Monday 28th March (Easter Monday) has been cancelled.

This has now been replaced with: ALLCOMERS’ DAY Saturday 9th April.

Time : 9.30 – 4.00 pm.

Venue: Please note: This will be held at the Art Society Rooms in Bath Street.

Cost: $5

Please bring any projects you wish to work on, the materials you require, and your lunch.

There is a special aspect to this day as we are offering the opportunity to assist with any problems you may be having. Perhaps you have difficulties cutting accurately, or sewing an accurate ¼ inch or scant ¼ inch seam. Do you want to learn how to prevent those areas that have many seams joining together and form little mountains on the top of your quilt? Would you like to have a go at curved piecing, or make a few new simple sample blocks? Are you confident with binding your quilts? Or do you have a problem selecting colour ways for a new project or need assistance with something that you would like to do, needleturn appliqué, etc. Bring your bits and pieces and we will do our best to help. There will also be opportunities for show and share so bring along anything, even unfinished quilts you would like advice on, and are prepared to share with us.

These days are usually good fun and there is a good sharing atmosphere so we thought we’d try this format for this time. You are welcome to sit and work on your project all day if you wish, but you may ask for individual or group assistance throughout the day.

We limit numbers to 20 so it is helpful if you let me know that you are coming.

Lynne Ph 368 5970

Friday, 11 March 2016

March Club Night

There was a good turn out of members at the SGM held prior to our March Club Night to discuss the new Constitution.  Diane took us through some of the new points, and there was a little discussion from members.  The members unanimously agreed to adopt the new Constitution.  Sandra then gave a vote of thanks to Diane and Lynne for all the work thay had done to research and produce this document for the club.

The meeting then got underway, with notices read out.  Please note that the Allcommers Day scheduled for 28th March has been cancelled, as it falls on Easter Monday.  The raffles were drawn, with Lynne and Bev were the lucky winners. 

Show and Tell is always interesting.  There were baby quilts from new grandma-to be Sarah, teddy bear charity quilts from Lesley, a couple of bags, and Yvonne brought along a striking quilt with circular designs started in 2013 Symposium.  Everyone was keen to get up close and inspect the wedding memory quilt which Avon had made for her son and daughter-in-law.


Wedding quilt stitched by Avon

Our special Show and Tell segment this month was for row-by-row quilts, and quite a few came out of cupboards to be shown off.  Even mine, made for me to celebrate my 60th bitthday, by a group of quilting friends from my former home town.  Helen’s row-by-row quilt was especially poignant, as it recorded her journey when she underwent a cochlear implant a cuple of years ago.


Helen’s row-by-row had quite a story behind it.

Instead of a speaker, we had the popular Four Corners where  techniques and equipment were highlighted.  We saw the Acuquilter and the Felting machine demonstrated, quilt-as-you-go placemats, and how to make an interesting strip pieced block.  Thanks ladies, for showing us how everything worked.


Cheryl cutting circles

The evening finished with a cuppa and scone with jam and cream, a look through some magazines which were looking for a new home, then it was time to say goodbye and head off home.