Town and Country Quilters have made their presence felt in the community this upcoming Christmas season.
Hanging in Winchester House is a lovely seasonal quilt stitched by Helen Cole, called “Christmas Memories”. The lovely stitchery rows are separated by pieced strips, and applique stars shimmer on the green border. The quilt was completed with Helen’s wonderful machine quilting. Helen has taken responsibilty of sourcing quilts to ring the changes in Winchester House each month, and has been doing a wonderful job. Christmas memories was stitched especially to be hung in the house during December.
Christmas Memories, by Helen Cole
I attended the “Avenue of Trees” on Sunday for the very first time, and what a glorious sparkling spectacle it was. There were so many beautifully decorated trees to stop at and admire, that it took me quite some time to find “our” tree. And finally, there it was, “Handmade Fabric Art”, looking so nice with all the handmade decorations.
Tree decorated by members of T&C Quilters
Wishing all our members a lovely Happy Christmas, spent with family and friends, all the people you love. And to those travelling over the holidays, do take care on the roads. We will be out and about in our caravan for a couple of weeks, and it goes without saying that I will have some hand stitching with me. Plus the cat, of course.