
Monday, 21 December 2015


Town and Country Quilters have made their presence felt in the community this upcoming Christmas season.

Hanging in Winchester House is a lovely seasonal quilt stitched by Helen Cole, called “Christmas Memories”.  The lovely stitchery rows are separated by pieced strips, and applique stars shimmer on the green border.  The quilt was completed with Helen’s wonderful machine quilting.  Helen has taken responsibilty of sourcing quilts to ring the changes in Winchester House each month, and has been doing a wonderful job.  Christmas memories was stitched especially to be hung in the house during December.



Christmas Memories, by Helen Cole

I attended the “Avenue of Trees” on Sunday for the very first time, and what a glorious sparkling spectacle it was.  There were so many beautifully decorated trees to stop at and admire, that it took me quite some time to find “our” tree.  And finally, there it was, “Handmade Fabric Art”, looking so nice with all the handmade decorations.



Tree decorated by members of T&C Quilters

Wishing all our members  a lovely Happy Christmas, spent with family and friends, all the people you love.  And to those travelling over the holidays, do take care on the roads.  We will be out and about in our caravan for a couple of weeks, and it goes without saying that I will have some hand stitching with me.  Plus the cat, of course.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Club Members work on show at Te Takare

Embroiders from Levin have produced a replica of a Gil Hanley photo "Golden Summer", and this lovely joint project has been on show at Te Takere.  Club members Debi Levet and Yvonne Symonds took part.  Other familiar names were Griet Lombard and Sharon Crosbie.

Each embroider was given a photo of a section and worked on their own panel, not knowing what piece of the photo the others were working on.  Each were free to chose their own threads and techniques.  It took about 18 months to complete the large piece, which was framed and called "Summer Gold". 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

December Club Night

There was certainly a lot happening at our December Club Night.  On entering the hall, we could see a magnificent red and gold uniform on display on the stage.   Our speaker later in the evening was to be Patrick Nolan, born in Marton, and the only non British ex soldier ever to become one of the famous Beefeater’s of the Tower of London.


It was great to welcome a handful of husbands who had come along to listen to our special speaker.   We had the final showing of the Suitcase Exhibition on display, and although some of us had seen this before, many members had not had the chance to view this interesting touring exhibition.

PC090005 Checking out the Suitcase Exhibition

Many had dressed in festive accessories for our Christmas meeting.  There were many sporting fancy earrings, flashing necklaces, and various versions of Christmas hats.  I’d never seen one quite like Paula’s hat before, I must admit.


Paula’s Santa Hat

There were raffles galore with Denise, Sandra, Catherine, Marjorie, Ute, Rachel, Bev and Lynne’s hubby Errol being the lucky winners.  Robyn and Luchelle  from Fox’s Cottage came along to tell us about the new larger premises they had moved to, classes on offer, and the exciting stock items they have.  And as usual, Show and Tell was a delight, with quilts, bags, and Dougal the Reindeer being proudly displayed.

PC090010 Dougal was quite a cutie


Margaret’s Bag

Patrick Nolan then took to the stage, and kept us entertained with his tale of how he managed to become a Beefeater.  Once he was finally accepted,  Patrick and Dawn sold up everything and arrived in London with four suitcases to take up his dream job, with accommodation provided in the Tower.  There were facts and figures to learn by rote, tests to pass, ravens to deal with, and idiotic questions to answer civilly every day.  But he loved his new job, and they  happily stayed there for 16 years before finally returning home to New Zealand.



Patrick explaining the intricacies of his dress uniform

The evening concluded with a fabulous supper, the table was practically groaning with food.  Thanks to everyone who brought along a plate for supper.  And the Food Bank will be pleased with all the donations from club members who brought along a tin or packet to help those less fortunate. 

Monday, 7 December 2015

December Christmas Club Night

Don’t forget, the December Club Night will be starting at the earlier time of 7.00pm.

And to remind you – there are a few things to bring.

  • Your husband, or a friend.
  • Extra cash for the extra raffles.
  • Something for the Food Bank.
  • A plate for supper.
  • And wear something festive.

No charge for visitors, hope to see you all there, ready for a night of fun and companionship.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

December Allcomers Day

It was the last club stitching day of the year, and 18 or so keen and dedicated ladies brought their sewing machines and hand work along to the Red Cross Hall for a day of stitching and companionship.

PB300003 Quietly working away

I’d decided on hand stitching for the day, and feeling rather ambitious, took along three bags of different projects!  I was joined at the table by Moira, who was busy stitching her latest William Morris block, Debi, who was adding more hexagons to her autumn toned quilt, and Diane, hand stitching lace and doilies to her Nostalgia blocks.  She had done a whole lot of blocks, all different, and several of us crowded around to admire these very personal blocks, using family doilies, pretty lace, beads and buttons, and even a family photo printed on fabric.

PB300001  A small selection of Diane’s pretty blocks

Placemats from a recent Sashiko class were being finished off by Marjorie.  She had added an interesting little flange strip which gave the placemats a touch of colour.  How did she do that, I wondered?

PB300006 Marjorie’s placemats

Pink, purple and a smattering of 1930s fabrics – how pretty is that?  Alison was assembling this lovely quilt top, and I think she said it was for a grand-daughter.

PB300005 Alison’s quilt top

There were some goodies to take home too, and the quilt magazines quickly found new homes. Debi had brought along some lovely fresh free range eggs, and Ute had tomato plants to give away. Thanks very much, ladies, it was a great day.